
Students are placed in classes according to their age and individual learning needs. We currently have 11 classes with student numbers ranging from six per class to ten per class with a staff to student ratio average ranged from 1:2 to 1:3 in the classes.

All students participate in programs related to the learning areas of the Curriculum Framework.

Swimming or hydrotherapy is available to all students who are able to participate in this program.

Teachers develop Individual Education Plans (4-15yrs) or Individual Transition Plans (16-18yrs) for each student in consultation with parents/carers and other involved personnel e.g. Therapy Focus, Disability Service Commission and the Visiting Teacher Service.

All students participate in community access programs. One class participates in integration programs at the adjacent Primary School.

All students are involved in fitness programs such as bike riding, health club or perceptual motor activities and swimming. All students engage in a minimum of 2 hours physical activity each week.

Students with severe medical conditions are supported and assisted by on-site Department of Health nurses.

Alternative Augmentative Communication strategies such as Key Word Sign, PECS, switches and communication devices are available to students.

All secondary students are enrolled in Curriculum Council endorsed subjects enabling them to receive a WACE Certificate (Western Australian Certificate of Education), Bushranger Cadet Program and Certificate 1 in Agrifoods, Transport and Logistics and Business Services as well as an ASDAN Certificate (Award Scheme Development and Assessment Scheme).


  • School climate
  • English – Communication
  • Mathematics – Number and Algebra
  • Career and Enterprise

For Secondary School students our out of school program is designed to develop independence and confidence in our students for life after school. These activities include, transport training, shopping to learn money skills and socialisation skills, gardening, swimming at Bayswater Waves.

Some senior students go on an annual school camp and with the commencement of the Bushranger Cadet group these camp activities and our out of school programs will increase due to specific funding to provide these programs.

All students participate in programs related to the learning areas of the Curriculum Framework.